Dental Emergency Situations

Dental Emergency Situations

We sincerely hope that you never have a dental emergency, but if you do, we offer 24-hour emergency service for our established patients.
If the emergency occurs during our normal office hours, please call the office at (714) 772-6540 and explain your situation.
We will make every effort to accommodate you as soon as possible.

heartFor after-hours emergencies, please call us at (714) 772-6540 and leave a message. You may also send a text message to this number. In the event that we are unable to communicate please call 911 or go to the nearest hospital.

In the meantime, here’s what to do until you get to our office: Save the filling if possible so we can have a look at it.
Rinse your mouth gently with lukewarm water to remove debris. Warm salt-water rinses or dissolved baking soda can be soothing. If the tooth is sensitive, protect it with dental wax or, in a pinch, sugarless gum. Displaced crowns can sometimes be reused; hang onto it. Try to affix the crown with denture adhesive or, if it won’t stick, use dental wax to keep the tooth away from air.

Keep your calm! If we can treat you within about an hour, chances are we can re-seat the tooth for good. Don’t touch the tooth root; this could damage delicate nerves. Gently replace the tooth where it belongs if you can, or keep it moist in milk. Do not risk home repairs. Glue can destroy composition materials and cause tissue erosion. Keep all the pieces, even the smallest, and call us to schedule an appointment. We can usually return an emergency repair to you within 24 hours.

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